1. Create a github account.

Name your account the same name as your desired website's name. (If you already have an account, you can change its name.) This site's url is staticwebsiteskeleton.github.io, so the github account name is staticwebsiteskeleton.

Github hosts static websites free of charge!!! (Like this one.)

2. After logging in, create a github repo.

The github must be named the following username.github.io. This site's repo is: staticwebsiteskeleton.github.io. This is the same as this sites URL!!

Make sure to check the box and initialize the repo with a README!!!

3. After creating the repo, create a new file inside.

The file must be named index.html. Index.html is your home page/default page/directory page. Without it you will get a 404 not found error.

4. After creating the file, write Hello World in html.

You can either write html code directly or use notepad or a different html editor and alter your index.html later.

Don't forget to commit your changes. (Scroll to the bottom of the page.)

5. Navigate to your new site!

Type your site's url: [https://username.github.io] into a web browser's address bar.

6. Edit your index.html anytime! See video for instructions. Note changes may take several minutes to be seen. Also, browser may cache old version of html file.

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